Changing the Enrichment Segments in Customer Insights? Re-run Measures and Segments to See the Updated Customer Profiles

File this one away under lessons learned. Recently I was updating a demo environment of Customer Insights that I had originally set up to use one set of enrichment parameters. The original settings used Brands and Categories related to coffee retailers, but for the purposes of a new demo, I wanted to update the environment to see what types of enrichment I could get for financial services and use this information to build new segments. In the Enrichment area, I updated the brands and categories to use some familiar names and topics related to financial services:

After making these changes, I ran the Enrichment again:

However, when I viewed my Customer Cards (profiles) they still showed their affinity for coffee related brands like Starbucks and categories like coffee roasting.

After reaching out to Microsoft, I learned that Customer Insights takes a snapshot of the profile data in order to maintain consistency of the data. To update the snapshot and see the most recent enrichment on the profiles, it was necessary to update the dependent Measures and Segments as well:

It makes sense: Your segments and measures might make use of the enriched data, so you wouldn’t want them to be out of sync after you change the enrichment parameters. Once I updated these, I now was able to see my updated profiles and use this data to make new segments.

Published by Matt Wittemann

Sr. Technology Specialist, Microsoft Former 16-time Microsoft MVP

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